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Great Location

A job opportunity required me to move within days of signing my contract. I had to move all my stuff in a hurry and needed to find a reliable and secure location for my belongings. Mike’s Mini Storage showed me how serious they are about security, cleanliness, and convenient access, and the staff was very helpful. I rely on their storage and their friendly support. 

Joseph L.Mabie

Happy Customer

Very Easy Process

When we got engaged, my fiance and I moved into a small apartment and I had redundant furniture that I wanted to keep for our family. Mike’s mini storage came in handy and I found the right size at the right price for my budget. Thank you for your services and eagerness to help!

Debra Campbell

New To Town

Excellent Service

What seemed like a temporary storage project became an opportunity for me to spread my wings. I stored all my stuff and moved out of town to find work. I got a job in the Bay Area and was able to move in quickly, with the bare necessities, and no headaches. I know my stuff is in a secure place that I can afford, all within a few hours’ drive from my new life.  Mike’s mini storage is a  perfect solution for me!

Joanne Ellis


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